Sunday, July 10, 2016

21 Day Fix Snack Ideas

So...I had every intention of running this as a FREE challenge group...But summer is going by so quickly that I just figured that I would make it a blog post. We have been busy every weekend up here in busy playing all day..if I had a penny for each time I hear mommy I'd be rich..LOL!!! So I asked a few friends to also contribute to this blog post with some of their favorites. These are all 21 day fix approved...all clean eating (something that seems so hard.but it's really not).
So without anymore chit chat here are 10 easy peasy snacks to keep your health/nutrition goals in check!

1. Greek yogurt with grapes- Mix Greek yogurt and  grapes. For a cooler treat freeze the grapes. 1 red, 1 purple

2. Cucumbers with hummus - I really like English cucumbers because there is no need to peel them. Equals  1 green, 1 blue

3. Carrots and guacamole - Grab the carrot chips and the single portioned out guacamole.Equals  1 green, 1 blue

4. Almond butter and whole grain waffle- Heres a yummy snack that will curb that sweet tooth and keep you full. Equals 1 yellow, 1 blue

5. 2 Hard boiled eggs- I slather on the hot sauce and some spicy mustard and they are delish! Equals 1 red

6. Banana Ice Cream- Freeze a banana and blend in the blender with a bit of almond milk. Freeze in the yummy! Equals 1 purple

7. Kale Chips- Another one of my faves…the healthiest green potato chip you will ever eat. De-stem and tear kale into bite size pieces, then add a tsp of extra virgin olive oil. Lay pieces flat on a cookie sheet sprinkle with your favorite spices. I like cayenne pepper. Bake at 400° for 20 minutes, flipping halfway through. Equals  1 green

8. Pop Corn- Love this one! Add yummy toppings to fresh popped pop corn like cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Equals  3 cups = 1 yellow

9. Tuna and hot sauce- I know it sounds weird but the hot sauce takes all the fishiness away! Equals 1 red

10. Baked apple- Core and then cut your apple in half, dust with cinnamon. Place on baking sheet center side up at 400°  for 15 minutes or until the apple becomes slightly tender. Equals 1 purple

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